The Will Gamble 4 Food Trip begins!!! We've arrived here in dry, hot Las Vegas. It's okay, it's a dry, dry hot Las Vegas.
Presidential Limo did not disppoint. Our flight got in about 25 minutes early - at about 10:00pm. I powered up the EmilioPhone and it registered with Net 10 down in Bogota right away. Apparently that floozy Fontina was doing her job properly for once, on what was Emilio's day off, no doubt. I called Presidential Limo and they reported that the driver was waiting for us.
And sure enough, he was. We got the full treatment, with champagne, a rose for Mrs. F, luggage handling, and the inevitable cache of chilled, puny waters in the back. Now that I think about it, I think that when I become a deep dish South blues man - my blues man name is going to be that. Puny Waters.
I got in about an hours play last night and sadly, had no big hit on dollars. But I scored the first quad of the trip with dealt 8s. That's four eights. All at one time. Dealt to me. Damn I'm good.
We grabbed a bite at the 777 Brewpub, with said bite consisting of under-par chicken phillies and onion rings, and crashed at 1:00 am (which is 4:00 am Flusherville time).
As usual on the first night, we slept fitfully for about five hours before the internal atomic clocks kicked in and we were up and out the door to hit the machines.
I've been hitting quads like a Hemingway hits the bottle. So far I am up to - get this - eight of 'em. (Quads, not bottles. I may be a blogger, but I'm no Hemingway.)
And stranger, I've had four eights dealt to me three times. That's a total of 24 eights, for what it's worth.
And what it's worth, is enough to support four or so hours of intensive quarter vp play. Right now, I am up about $30 on the trip.
The Quad Queen however, has a slightly different take on things.
Her quad total stands at...
Zero? Is it possible? Zero quads for the Quad Queen???!!!
She is officially in 'Quad Drought' and says "I guess I shouldn't have had the 'L' for 'Luck' tattooed to my forehead."
I don't exactly know what that means, but a lot of people like it. They point and laugh.
She is down about $300 on the trip so far. Which is about 10 hours old.
Breakfast was at the California coffee shop. I ordered the $4 steak graveyard special, and the Two's Company graveyard special.
And in grand Flusher-Cul-Style I put away, into my tummy, the following foodstuffs:
- 1 NY Steak (sourced from the Pimlico Ranch)
- French Fried Potatoes
- 3 slices tomato
- 2 eggs
- 2 sausage disks
- most of a pancake, most of its butter, and all of its syrup
Live from Fabulous Flush Vegas, this is Royal Flusher.
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