So far, our gambling losses are approximately $2010.18, split roughly equally between us.
Generally, we have found that we lose about $100 a day each, but hopefully make up for that in comps. And on some trips, when the Royals hit, we end up losing a lot less than that or even winning, and still getting the comps.
This is a particularly long trip for us so it is tough to keep on a winning pace. On the other hand, with more play should come more Royals Flush.
So far we have managed a total of approximately zero Royals Flush. I've had 18 chances from 4-to-a-royal and the QQ has had 11.
In the comp department, we've received $1400 in comps - rooms, food, freeplay, taking advantage of coupons and offers, etc.
So overall, considering we arrived Saturday night Sept. 19, the cost of this trip when considered all-in is pretty reasonable.
All of this blatant justification and indignant number juggling really helps to remove the pain of losing two grand.
Today we headed down to the south strip for a change, to see if we can find some luck there.
I booked a personal transportation limo-autobus for 8:00am at the gorgeous and well appointed Downtown Transportation Center. Our carriage had been dubbed for good luck with the moniker "Route 116". The booking fee for passage was a reasonable Three American Dollars for each of us. I had the driver take the 'scenic route' through the naked city, and then down Koval so that we could assess the current progress of the fine construction efforts in that part of the city and I can assure you the project is continuing on time and under budget. A number of extras were apparently hired to act as 'locals', providing color and authenticity to the journey.
Luxor was our first casino and we have many, many fond memories of it. Sadly most of the landmarks inside have been ripped out in favor of bars. We ate at the Pyramid Cafe and were served by the cheeriest person in Vegas - Stephanie.
I asked her how she manages to be so happy an she said, "It's just too much work to be unhappy."
Words of wisdom.
Breakfast for two - was $44 all in. WTF???
This is why we avoid the strip.
We tried (unsuccessfully) to locate the only full pay video poker machine in the place. Mrs. F dropped some cash in the high limit room on a five dollar slot to no avail.
I had wished last trip I could have scored some of the old Egyptian decorations they were ripping out but couldn't lay my hands on anything.
Remember 'In Search of the Obelisk'? I found it. |
Well today, they were in the process of ripping up part of the marble tile in the lobby and I got them to give me a piece of it. Now I've got a piece of the Luxor to take home.
We checked out Excalibur and tried some DDB there - nothing much doing.
Picked up our monthly free play at the Four Queens. I turned my 50 into $30 cash, and Mrs. Flusher turned her $80 into $50. That's $80 cash free. Sort of.
For some reason the Four Queens have added a horrible fake strawberry scent to the casino. It is totally overpowering and we can't stand it. I really am avoiding the casino now because of it. Some of the personnel I talked to there are having headaches from it.
If you go there, let me know if you find the stench as horrid as I do - and let them know too.
I filled out a comment card about it indicating that the floral/strawberry scent "makes me puuuuuuuuuuuuuke".
And the music blows there to boot.
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