The Grommet Festival is incredibly boring. This morning I attended lectures on some new grommet polishing technologies which employ a vigorous circular motion and an advanced elasto-polymer 'surface heightening' substance akin to bees wax (but 1.25 cents a pound cheaper), the grommet outsourcing outlook in Bangalore and other emerging grommet producing economies, and engaged in a roundtable discussion entitled 'Washers and Grommets - are they underrated?'.
In between these ridiculous pursuits I grabbed breakfast at the Cafe Cortez (my room deal came with $15 in food and a free miniature booze, long gone.)
I distributed some play when I could - twenty here, twenty there. I played the dollar machines in the alcove. Nothing.
I tried the Deuces machine with the 4700 coin Royal and $500 on the Deuces. Nothing.
At lunch break I went to Walgreen's for some supplies and hit Binions for the cheeseburger. Threw a twenty into double double bonus there - nothing.
It so happens (ahem) that I have a couple of tournament offers (how convenient) so I whipped over to the Cal to register. Got a room there as well. Tourney comes with 3 nights and $20 in food. Plus of course, I will win the slot tourney.
Played a twenty in 50 cent Bonus Poker while enjoying the grease stench from the Cholesteroloha Snack Bar. Nothing.
Stopped in at the Golden Nugget to try to take a third career Royal off of them and played a twenty there on Bonus Poker. Nothing.
I am not forcing it, playing here and there, looking for my luck.
But its nothing doing and I'm down about $200. And I haven't hit a single goddamned thing. not even a quad.
I had some estimates to go over in my room after lunch so I did that, then packed work in for the day and grabbed a shower.
I put the iPod into the dock and punched up 'Luck be a Lady', 'Theme from the Man with the Golden Arm', and 'Ee-o-eleven'. Put me in the perfect mood to hit the El Co hard. I'll be playing exclusively here tonight due to the 5x points I've got happening on my card with my room deal.
Wish me luck. For I've had absolutely fucking none.
Hey - go over to 4 queens - they have several good vp banks - 1 at the bar, 1 along the back wall next to the resterant entrance and some others thrown in.