I'm sitting at Flusherville Regional Aerodrome and the Beechdeathcraft Fokker BVR13 Crashmaster commuter plane which looks like an Air Canada plane (but is branded Jazz so 'we can't be blamed') has just arrived.
I understand the pilots are allowed to fly for up to 40 waking hours in a row so let's hope they have some instant coffee packets to snort or something and I do make it safely to Toronto.
From there its the Colorado Run again, stopping in Denver, and then on to Vegas.
I made sure it wasn't one of those Regional jets to Denver this time - it was a pretty uncomfortable ride and my cojones are only just now recovering.
Oh, and the update from Mrs. Flusher was she ended up down about $600 bucks yesterday, and then won it all back.
And then lost another $300.
So last I know she is down $300 after a week in Vegas.
BTW Main Street Station and Four Queen's were both on offers. Four Queens picked up all her food, no problem, and she still has cashback coming there.
So total freebie for Mrs. F. so far on the hotel/food comp front.
Viva Las Vegas!
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