A savvy gambler like me takes heed and when it comes to a Vegas Vacation and Gambling Extravaganza, I've adapted those wise words for my own betterment:
Plan your trip.
Trip your plan.
Tomorrow evening I'll be winging my way to Vegas and I'm tellin' ya, I'm on a mission. And to be successful, I've had to plan carefully.
First of all, let's talk about wonderful freeplay. I have a bunch of offers I've gotten and have planned this trip to take place at the end of one month and the beginning of another. That way I can double-dip on the monthly freeplay.
I didn't have enough points to fly for free on Air (FU) Canada so I had to actually pony up cash - and I didn't want some crap-ass flights with 7 stops that would take me from Flusherville to Newark to Denver to San Francisco and on and on before getting to LAS.
Anyway, I got pretty much the best possible booking - Flusherville to Toronto, then non-stop to Vegas, same on the return except its a red-eye. Cost only $59 return, and with taxes and gas surcharges added in, $900 return. Clearly I already have some financial ground to make up when I get to town.
One of the situations that is really causing me some concern is my sweet-ass freeplay offer from the Four Queens (where I'll be staying, initially). They are going to lay on $60 of freeplay AND $60 in chips in the month of April, just for showing my pasty mug at the slot club.
My flight arrives at 10:15pm. Monday night. April 30th. Last day of the month. When I first realized this I pretty much crapped a roulette wheel. A quick call to Jay at the player's club confirmed that they are open until midnight. But its going to be close. I've got to get there within an hour and 45 minutes of touching down in order to get my $120 in freeplay and chips.
One little weather delay, and I'm screwed. And Air (FU) Canada has recently taken to having all of their pilots call in sick on the same day just to 'subtly make a point'. If that happens, I won't even get there till the next day or the day after.
So I'm kinda stressed about this but... I have a plan.
First of all, the entire trip will have to be done with a carry on. This means I can bring a meagre assortment of clothing. I'll be asking some hard questions. Is it more important to have a change of pants than 2 extra shirts? How long before a casino sock goes rancid? Do I really need that extravagant second pair of underwear for this trip?
Second, when I get to McCarran, I've got to get to the ground transportation immediately. I'm arriving at Terminal 1 though, the puny side terminal, not the main one. I'm thinking of just picking up a limo there, instead of booking one - but will there be any around at 10:30pm on a Monday night? If I book one, I'm still taking a chance because I've had limo drivers show up 20 or 30 minutes late. And I've had them not be able to find me.
I may have to suck it up and take a taxi much as I hate to support those long-hauling crash-bandits.
Once I get to the Four Queens, its straight to the players club, with luggage, before even checking in. Nothing like a race against time for $120 to get the Vegas adrenaline going!
I've got a bunch of goodies and things waiting for me and a whole bunch of stuff I plan to do while in town.
Here's a list of the goodies:
Four Queens April Freeplay $60
Four Queens April Chips $60
Four Queens May Freeplay $80
Excalibur Freeplay $50
MLIFE Pointsplay $40
ElCo credits $10
Excalibur comps $75
Slot Tournament Food $20
MLIFE Comps $50
Total Rewards RC $10
I'd say I'm off to a pretty good start there. I'll also get some sort of cheesy free gifts for some slot tournaments I'm in.
The main goal of this trip though, and my plan, is simple.
Get. Royals. Flush.
I need to get a number of Royals Flush and win cash and take home cash and end up with more cash than I came with. As you may recall, in the last trip in November, I got my ass kicked from here to Vegas to Vancouver and back. No Royals in 2 weeks of play, and probably the biggest single trip loss I've ever had. Not very fucking savvy.
That's going to change, I hope. So I am going to plan my trip. Trip my plan. And the plan is...
Ride-along with me over the next little while. I'll be posting here pretty much as it happens.
And if I can find the ever-elusive camera battery fucking charger, I might post photographic evidence, too.
Time to do a test-pack of my carry on!!!!
One pair of pants to wear on the plane and 1-2 pairs of shorts in the carryon. It's going to be upper 80s, low 90s.
ReplyDeleteIf you take a cab and time is tight, you might have to give in and take the tunnel. There goes $35 of your FreePlay.
I think you're right, the tunnel and interstate are going to have to be in the plan. I'm hoping there's a limo for hire outside terminal 1, can probably do the deal for $40.
ReplyDeletewhy not just redeem your 4Q freeplay the next day...? is it so important to redeem it your first day there? as for the airport to downtown, you can take the city (RTC) bus (called the Westcliff Airport Express - WAX) for $2, and it goes from the airport to downtown (will drop you off right outside the "D", former Fitzgerald's)... yes, for TWO DOLLARS
ReplyDeleteThanks for reminding me about the very savvy bus options from McCarran. The issue is that I get freeplay and chips in the month of April and I'm hitting town with about an hour and a half to go in that month. If I don't get to the slot club booth I'll miss out on getting my April voucher for $60 in chips. If Four Queen's 'accounting' day doesn't end at midnight, I might still be able to get April's freeplay after midnight.