Mrs. F. is in Las Vegas without me. It's unbelievable but it's true. She's there, and I'm here, and I'm not there.
She's had two losing days in a row... $620, and around $300 yesterday. Unheard of!
Today is going better.
In the last hour and a half:
Four King Amazing... $125 |
This looks like a dalt quad at the Four Queens bar for $62.50 (progressive, actually) |
Four 8s for $62. |
Moved up to 50 cent level... |
How does she do it? Four 4s dealt on Bonus Poker for $50. |
Four Aces for $100 on BP. |
Me: had frosted "Mini" wheats for breakfast. Jagged off a couple of times while watching hot sportscaster on TSN. Cut Chippy's nails. Put mercurochrome on my scratches. Put off a shower for the
2nd 3rd 4th day. Did some paperwork. Vacuumed the living room (dog nails). Worked up a hell of a sweat and a sore back moving some cement filled concrete cinder blocks from my property out behind the Solo grocery store. I've moved about 60 of these in the last week or two and have about 300 to go.
Her: got up, had leisurely bubble bath in Rush tower, breakfast at Du-pars, then drinks and gambling in the casino.
Fuck my life.
Late breaking additions:
Third dealt quad today for the QQ. WTF.
Yes, its Aces again for $100. I wonder how much it costs to get them? |
Thy streak is over. Played for 4 hours and dropped a bit over $500. The quads went into hiding. Still, the 7-star card is fun. There's nothing like cutting the line at the bagel shop and watching all of those lowly low-rollers get pissed off. I consider it akin to playing don't pass on the craps table. If one of these trips you are out there when I am, I'd love to take you (and the quad queen if she's there) out for a fancy meal. My next trip is to TAIcon (This Ain't Iowa Podcast convention) on October 18th.
ReplyDeleteIn which casino is Mrs. Flusher doing her Dave Ridgeway impersonation? Heading down at the end of the month and wouldn't mind hoofing out a few quads myself.
ReplyDeleteStu, the quads will come back. Very kind offer of a meal. Really, a shot of Absolut at the bar is all I need. You are too generous!!! Now get back in there and get some quads.
ReplyDeleteTicatsfan... Robokicker, fond memories of those late 80s Rider teams, that horse-faced Elgaard, the two quarterback system, sure-handed Don Narcisse... and of course coach Barney Rubble.