I've been perusing my MGM offers, ahead of my lunar mission, and trying to decide where to stay. I could go for Delano and basically live in a Chanel commercial for three or four days, surrounded by white furnishings, with gauzy linen blowing around me, barely covering three or four gaunt models looking slightly mean, as if they didn't get their single Ritz biscuit lunch.
Or I could relive the solid Mandalay Bay shower scene, blasting the plankton off my carcass six times a day under the refreshing spray. There's also a hotel there. But the showers are tops.
Or I could explore Bellagio, or Park MGM for the first time.
And then I noticed something important. Important if you are as skint with a buck as I am.
The Luxor offer - which was bitchin' to begin with - mentioned something about the resort fee. Could it be?
Sure enough! At Luxor - and only at Luxor, for my offer - the resort fee is included. As in there would be none. As in I wouldn't have to pay. As in I'd save $39.55 a night including taxes.
It's a one bedroom suite with $75 freeplay and $100 resort credit. Completely free, gratis, and free gratis.
Choice of MGM venue - sorted.
Many of you have cottoned on to the Wynn Slots app. I first heard about this thing about a year ago and studiously avoided it, knowing my obsessive compulsive tendencies.
This is the kind of thing I could get caught up in.
But the rewards... the rewards are considerable.
In a nutshell, the app has various ways of providing coins for you to play slot games. One of those ways is to purchase them. By playing the games, you earn gems. And you can use the gems to book free nights at Wynn.
After resisting all this time, I succumbed and enveloped myself in the game for a solid month.
I spun all day. I spun on the john. I spun during meals. I chased scratchcards lying in bed trying to stay awake long enough to get that last set of free games needed for a reward.
As a newbie, I kept going on tilt and blowing through all my coins. And I ended up buying some - paying $7 to break my piggy bank, as it were. I did this more than once.
But after about three weeks, I had enough to book two nights at 1800 gems per night and I did! Now, what I really wanted was a decent stint at Wynn, but it didn't look like that was feasible. However, I could add one more night.
So I kept spinning. I bought coins one more time. When I had enough for the third night, going against my creed of "don't fuck with it", I went out on a limb and canceled my existing reservation - and then rebooked for 3 nights instead of 2. You can only have one reservation booked at a time through the app.
And that's where I ended up. Three nights at Wynn - and again, no resort fee - for $35 CAD in piggy bank coins. That's around $11.66 a night. For freaking WYNN!!! Dealio!!!
As with all things, they are tightening the rewards on the app, but if you can book in off-peak periods - like December - you can definitely score what is an amazing room in arguably the best hotel in Vegas for little or no money.
On top of those two bookings, I'm in for a slot tournament at the Cal. I also added a single night at Main Street Station just before that, in lieu of the fourth Wynn night I didn't have time to get.
At the end of the trip, I booked the MGM offer a second time. Same stats as before with the freeplay and suite and whatnot.
All told, my hotel nights are completely covered for the low low price of $0.00 plus the $35 spent on coins in the Wynn app.
The other night, I had my sister Divana over so that I could do some things for her including making dinner and a pedicure, and she said to me, "it would be nice if you could see some other cities than Las Vegas".
My reply? "I can't afford to go anywhere else."
We're talking $200 CAD for return airfare AND hotel for 12 nights. Encore Boston is racking up $600 PER NIGHT by comparison.
The best part is that with this low, low up-front cost, I can lose more gambling. You know how that goes, don't you...
Hey Flusher! So glad you are able to get back to the Promised Land for a very affordable price! Any advice for someone getting started with Wynn slots? Specific games to play and what not?