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Monday, July 17, 2023

Not Only!

Day 5 Saturday Feb. 18 part 2 and there we were, just after noon, checking in at the California and there were some surprises!

Not only! was there barely any lineup.

Not only! were we served by a smiling, helpful lobbyist and not some malfunctioning soulless kiosk.

Not only! were we not wallet-raped some $30 or $40 for 'early fuck you check in'.

Not only! were we given meal books to cover our food for the stay...

...but we were assigned our old digs, a Parlor Suite!

There is only one Parlor Suite per floor and it's about a room and a half in size, which makes it very comfortable. These suites are situated where the west tower was expanded. Because of the join of old and new, there is a bit of extra room, thus the Parlor Suite.

The only downside was that it was not yet ready for occupancy, to which I gave a big fat 'who cares'. We were happy to wait a couple of hours.

We went and played the California's appealing games of chance for an hour and a half or so.

I had trouble getting a quad but finally did get one - a mercy quad, dealt 4s, which got me to about even.

The Quad Queen hit one on Boner Deluxe for $400 plus a few others - she was in fine form.

When we got the call that our suite was ready, I employed the pre-shlepping room check protocol.

Because distances at the Cal are so manageable, I nipped up to the suite to check it out, make sure the keys worked, etc. before doing any shlepping of luggage and punishment room camping foods.

It looked pretty good to me, so I did the needful, dragging the luggage up in two trips. I thought about using the bell desk but didn't want to risk a bunch of spurious $6 tip charges on my room like what happened the trip before.

We took a break in the suite and it was sort of getting to that late in the afternoon time when it's too late to eat lunch but two early to have dinner, so I had a couple of small punishment cheese sandwiches to tide me over until supper.

Then we decided to head over to the Plaza to play some full pay Boner Deluxe and check out the Carousel Bar they are building under where the swimming pool used to be.

It's pretty much a brilliant idea and I can't imagine any way that this bar won't be packed every night (unless it's the summer heat).

Full pay Boner Deluxe is a great game because any quad pays 400 credits. The only rub is that you have to actually make four of a kind to get them. Which neither of us did.

I did manage to eke out a win on some variant of BUFFFFFFALLLLLLLLLLLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We returned to the Cal to have dinner. Loco Moco for the lady and Island Short Ribs for the gentleman. Deeeee-lishus!

We played some more and it was ugly. The Quad Queen went on a long losing run, lost back all her profit for the day, and finished even.

I did nothing but lose. I never got another quad for the rest of the day.

Back in the room, I checked the folio just for fun. Good Lord, Cal, there is something wrong with your billing system!

Eight (count 'em) eight bellman gratuity charges - and we didn't even use the bell service. One more thing to sort out the next day.

Quad Queen Day $0 Trip -$1000

Flushiepants Day -$500 Trip -$1500

Combined -$2500

    1 comment:

    1. Thank goodness you are back! I was a little worried when we didn't hear from you for a while after the previous post. I always love your trip reports! Keep 'em coming.


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