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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Winning Sweet Fried Chicken All

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023 and my notes for the day say "Another shitkicking. Ate breakfast buffet. Shitty." For starters.

This is where the day ended up.

But a blog is a blog and I'm obliged to make this steaming turd of a day entertaining. Surely some good things, or some amusing things happened!

Well, for one thing, we got to watch the in-room Keno display computer get rebooted. That was great.

I guess.

As mentioned, I decided to have breakfast at the Main Street Station buffet, which was limping along post-COVID.

It just wasn't very good. I characterized it as 'Shitty' and I think that was appropriate. The difference between shitty and pretty good could be as simple as having cold dead old fried chicken versus hot dead fresh fried chicken.

After, I played twenty bucks in Super Slutty Shitty Times Pay five play nickels. And I got multipliers on three different hands. Each of them was the minimum, 2x. And I won sweet fried chicken all on each of them.

I did manage to get a quad. Well, that was something I guess. 125 nickels.

The next note is a gooder: QQ won on Keno.

Back in the room, somehow, we saw that the Quad Queen had come up with a fairly good Keno win - a 7 out of 9! Yay!!!

See, the day wasn't all bad. Just mostly bad.

When the Quad Queen was ready, we headed downstairs to the Cal sports book and pulled up a couple of armchairs to visit with none other than my cousin Dr. Raoul Shiboubou, famous Penguin rancher from Manitoba.

We had a fine catchup, and I showed him some photos of his parents from the day before, in case he had forgotten what a Gambletron looks like.

As we sat and chatted, I suddenly remembered that enough time had passed that I could book more Wynn rooms on the Wynn Slots app, for the last day of our trip. Typey typey typey and boom, that was done.

Even though we have had to put some dough and lots of time into it, the Wynn Slots app has certainly paid off. Our cost per night is well under $100 for the top-rated hotel in Vegas. One in which we put rotting broccoli on ice in the sink and make breakfast sandwiches and Mac 'n Cheese in the Hot Snot Logic travel oven, rather than shelling out for world-class cuisine food in the Wynn's restaurants.

We decided to again spend some time at Red Rock, and on the way, I had some shopping to do.

My old pal, the ever-generous Casey Jones, had send some ko-fis earmarked for Maker's Mark. So, of course I had to oblige. Really, I had no choice. 

Thank you, Casey!

The skies looked ominous as we approached Red Rock - one of those February storms that are becoming more common in Vegas with crazy win and rain and even thunder and lightning possible.

I did okay for a while, but I couldn't hit any quads. The best part of the outing was lunch - a huge-ass chicken burrito from Rubio's (made with huge-ass chickens).

OH MY GAWD it was good. One of the tastiest meals I had on the entire trip. I ate it all, and I was stuffed. 

I got only one quad in Red Rock - and it was dealt to me. A Mercy Quad. In fact, not counting the one on five-play nickels, it was my only quad since Sunday night. After losing $100 in old-school Buffalo, by the time we left I was down $400 in Red Rock.

The Quad Queen didn't fare much better in terms of results, but at least she did hit a few quads. But the Keno money and much of her day's stake were all gone.

It was definitely nicer inside Red Rock than it was outside.

Dejected, we made our way back downtown.

The Quad Queen was determined to hit something and get back on track and hammered 50 cent and dollar Jacks or Better. She must have played 2 hours on dollar Jacks, looking for that Royal Flush that would make everything better.

I had my friend Mr. Maker's Mark to make me feel, if not better, a little numb. My notes say, "Just another sad, disappointing day in this trip. Sick of losing."

Sometimes Vegas trips are like this, probably more often than not.

As far as the gambling results go, it's kind of like in a lopsided pick up game when you stop keeping score. Mercy rule.

This was bucking to be the worst trip to Vegas ever, but we still had a couple of days to go.

QQ: Day -$mumble Trip -$fuck you Vegas

RF: Day -$somethingsomthing Trip -$youmustbejoking

Combined: -$FerCryinOutLoud

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