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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Terrace Pointe

Friday Feb 24, 2023, last day of the trip, and having had such an asskicking, I was happy to dawdle in the room over coffee until 11:00 am.

It turns out that between us, we had a bunch of comp dollars - enough for me to eat a proper breakfast at the Terrace Pointe CafĂ©. Mrs. Flusher was opting for a rye and coke smoothie in the room for hers.

On the way to the restaurant, I saw some Formula 1 cars, and also saw a live broadcast being held from a human aquarium. A very beautiful woman outside struck up a conversation with me. I reckoned I still have 'it' and it makes sense that a model 33 years younger than me would be interested in listening to my savvy point of view.

Instead of hanging on my every word, she handed me a book. In fact, she had a stack of them and it was her job to make me think for 0.9382 milliseconds that finally some model had recognized the senior hunk standing before them and then bring me back to earth by handing me a book and starting a spiel.

Turns out I've heard of the author David Meltzer, and it was he holding court in the fishbowl. I've heard of his partner Warren Moon, who wrote the foreward to the book, as well and regaled the beautiful but bookish model with tales of Warren's exploits in the CFL.

"Warren Moon won 5 Grey Cups with the Edmonton Eskimos. Did you know that?"


"Not only did he win 5 Grey Cups, he won them consecutively."


"I hear he also played in the NFL."

"Have another book."

I loved my breakfast experience journey at Terrace Pointe. It's beautiful and the service is impeccable.

As planned, when I was almost done, I pinged the Quad Queen and told her how to find me in the restaurant.

Over here!

We decided to head over to Encore. I had a few Mojitos and the QQ was on the Jameson. We did okay for a while but when we did some keno experiments, it was a fail for both of us.

We did play for a long, long time which was kind of satisfying.

I actually got to the point where I'd had enough and headed up to the room. A welcome text showed me that the Quad Queen had hit Aces on Triple Double Bonus - but no damn kicker. We really could have used the extra $800 for the kicker!

Back in the room, we hung out, watched Hogan's Heroes, and ate a disgusting punishment dinner loaded with punishment cheese.

 One last bash downstairs to kill the day brought a couple of quads for me on dollar JW.

And the Quad Queen got one on dollar Bonus.

And that was it. We both lost on the day, and like so many trips, once a trend is set (losing in this case) it seems to continue from day to day.

One bright spot was the Wynn Promotion Freecredits we won.

5 x Not a Winner

6 x $5 Freecredit

6 x $10 Freecredit

3 x $25 Freecredit

1 x $50 Freecredit

Total = $215 in Freecredit

That's $215 we got extra to play and when we lost it, it didn't come out of our stake! I call that a win.

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