Day 6 Mon Dec 25th 2023 and it was finally Christmas morning and I could see what shirt Divana got me.
But first, my Christmas socks a la Mr. Bean. My niece Lamondo gave these to me as - you guessed it - a Christmas gift long ago. Oh gosh it has to be 20 years or so. I've work them every single Christmas day except one time only when I forgot.
So, I put them on, muttering, "moy Christmas socks..."
Now, to Divana's gift, I'd managed to receive the shipment, take the shirt out, turn it inside out, launder it, and roll it up and pack it without seeing the design on the front.
Secretly, I really was hoping for a silkscreened Divana face in magenta and pink.
I carefully took the shirt out of my suitcase. FWIPP.
Laid it on the bed. BUMMMMPFF.
Carefully unrolled it. SWIK SWIK SWIK.
And turned it inside out to see the design. FWIPPAFWAPPA FWIPPAFWAP.
And it turned out to be the most awesome Spy vs. Spy design, straight out of the pages MAD magazine, the training ground for the most childish aspects of my sense of humour. FWADAAAPPP!
This definitely lifted my spirits, because after eating the left over half a sausage pizza for breakfast, my stomach was doing cartwheels. GURRGLA GURRGLA.
OMG. I was NOT feeling good at all. Probably had nothing to do with the pasty CTUG lunch the day before.
I was really not feeling Vegasy at all, but did my blogging, had my coffee, and set to packing up.
This is going to be a very short post because nothing much happened. Here it is in a nutshell.
Those are all the photos I took yesterday and four of them are doubles.
Okay, so I got my butt settled down enough to get out the door and drive straight to the D, where I parked, bought a 250 game Keno ticket, and split.
The D parking garage is like an American Kennel Club sanctioned agility course for cars.
My plan was to check out Fontainebleau in the time I had before I could check in at Wynn. Perfect plan, eh?
I drove right by the place and kept on going. I was just so happy to be in my own little space, alone, without the noise and jostling and frenetic business of downtown.
Not really knowing where I was going I got lost in UNLV, and then thought of parking and watching planes land at the airport. (Where else.)
Butt I put the ASS in Christmass again while buying a Dr. Pepper at a 7 Eleven and realized I'd better find a washroom, and fasst.
So I navigated my way to South Point. I spent a couple of hours there and it didn't really go well at all. I lost $200.
For the first time this trip I did $100 in dollar VP. I thought full pay Jacks would give me the smoothest ride, and when I pulled it up on the machine I picked, the last hand played was a dealt Royal.
Ummm not playing that one.
Food was going to be a problem, as I didn't want any, but knew I would, but also knew Wynn would be jammed and expensive. I searched for something to take with me. McDonalds? Barfff. Port of Subs! Yes... and closed. I stopped at a Starbucks and bought a slice of Banana Pecan nut loaf (thank you anonymous!). And then I stopped at a CVS, thinking I'd get some milk for coffee and so on. There wasn't any. I bought a strange mixture of snacks, hoping they would get me by if and when I got hungry.
Now, South Point was a zoo on Christmas Day, and so was Wynn. Parking was hell in both places. And navigating Wynn with the walkways jammed full of people was like trying to pull suitcases down a midway at the State Fair.
I got checked in and fortunately got a room on the Strip side. The Quad Queen and I always stayed on the golf course side, in rooms always with the bathroom on the left. It would feel like I was in the exact same room, but she wouldn't be there. This room, though, is a King room, different view, and it feels new. It's okay.
The offer I got from Wynn is really good - the only comped room offer I've ever gotten from them, on the back of the ass-kicking we took on each of the three trips last winter.
Three nights comped (no resort fee), $100 freeplay, $100 resort credit. At this time of year, that's easily a $1000 offer if you had to pay for it.
You can see where this is going...
I hung out in the room, sitting in the sun, and crashed out on the bed for a long while. Man I felt crap. All the while, I'd keep an eye on the D keno game.
Eventually I felt good enough to have a snack and a drink and brave the casino. It was jammed and roaring loud.
I used up the $100 freeplay, making about $35 cash out of it (video keno). And I lost $100 of my own. No quads, no bonuses, no keno hits.
I was hungry though, and thought about getting something at Charlie's but I just couldn't go through with the whole restaurant dance. In the room, I devoured a bunch of chips and snack food and hit the hay.
(This morning, I know the D keno ticket didn't hit, and I'm going to guess that I'll get $30 back out of it.)
That puts my loss today at $370 and I feel like I hardly played. And I guess I didn't, because if you don't hit anything, the money goes very fast.
Pretty sucky considering the break-even tightrope I've been walking for five days in Vegas, which is really, really hard to do.
But as Flushiepants says, "Where there are credits, there are hope."
Maybe something will come my way today and I'll make some of it back!
Day -$370 Trip -$350
I love the SPYvsSPY shirt, I have always hoped for an Alfred E Neuman/MAD Magazine themed slot.